Waveshare Mini Piano Module for micro:bit, Touch Keys to Play Music

Sale priceRs. 1,982.00


Is not it coooool to play your favorite song using the BBC micro:bit? Just plug it into this little piano, and enjoy.

1. Micro:bit edge connector, directly pluggable
2. Buzzer to play music
3. Onboard capacitive touch controller, 13x touch keys through I2C interface
4. 4x RGB LEDs, controlled by only one signal pin
5. Breakout module control pins, micro:bit SPI pins, and some of the GPIO pins, easy expansion
6. Comes with development resources (micro:bit graphical demo/python code/user manual, etc.)

1. Touch controller: TTP229
2. LED: WS2812B
3. LED color depth: 16777216 colors
4. Dimension: 85mm x 56mm
5. Operating voltage: 3.3V

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